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高二年级英语必修五说课稿-Unit 2 the United Kingdom

来源:学大教育     时间:2015-10-24 16:46:10

在英语的学习中,老师的传授对于学生来说很重要,老师讲的好与坏直接影响着同学们的听课质量,所以老师在课下的准备要很充分才行,下面是高二年级英语必修五说课稿-Unit 2 the United Kingdom,欢迎各位老师借鉴。

一,Analysis of teaching aims(教学目标分析)

“Puzzles in geography”, 作为一篇阅读理解课文,从历史、地理 、文化、政治等不同角度向读者介绍了英国。

本节内容的目标是:1. 让学生在阅读的过程中抓住主要信息和相关信息;2. 培养和训练学生的阅读技能,如略读,跳读;3.培养学生的团队精神;4. 学习西方国家知识,拓宽学生视野。5. 尊重别国文化。

二,Analysis of Ss (学习者学习特征分析)


三,Analysis of the teaching materials(教学内容分析)



四, Analysis of teaching methods (教学方法分析)



五Analysis of the teaching procedure(教学过程分析)









I. 教学目标:

1. Enable the Ss to read effectively under the guide of the teacher, and made them have a better understanding of the United Kingdom.

2. Widen the Ss' international vision.

3. Form the Ss' consciousness of cross–culture communication.

4. Help the Ss think about using some reading skills and methods.

5. Train the Ss’ ability of getting and dealing with information in reading.

6. Keep the Ss’ burning desire and interest.

7. Develop the Ss’ cooperation.

8. Encourage the Ss to infer the main idea of each paragraph.

9. Encourage the Ss to compare China and the UK, and improve their patriotism.

II. 教学背景:

1. Ss: a. 50 junior high school students, Grade 2.

b. they have already attained stage 6 ,however they lack of the background knowledge of British, such as history ,geography ,and culture etc. .

c. the Ss don't have an awareness of using reading strategies ,and don’t know how to use them they've already learnt.

2. Lesson duration: 45 minis.

III. 教学内容:

1. Important points (教学重点):

a. Have a total and detail comprehension of the UK from history, geography, politics, and culture etc.

b. Help the Ss to learn different reading skills.

2. Difficult points(教学难点):

a. Some sentences are hard to understand.

b. How to improve the Ss’ fast reading ability?

c. How to make a summary.

IV. Teaching methods(教学方法):

1. Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss better understand the whole passage.

2. Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what they've learnt in the class.

3. Pair work and group work to get every student to take part in the teaching and learning activities.

V. Teaching aids:

Bb, chalk, PPT

VI. Teaching procedure (教学过程):

1. Pre-reading (阅读前)

“高二年级英语必修五说课稿-Unit 2 the United Kingdom”就为大家介绍到这里了,希望老师们在看过这篇精彩的说课稿之后能够对自己的讲课有所启发。

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